We are joined by Raygun Busch from Chat Pile to talk about Robert Rodriguez’s Desperado. The second part in the Mexico Trilogy. #robertrodriguez #antoniobanderas #quentintarantino Situated in between El Mariachi, which was Robert Rodriguez’s $7000 award-winning debut film… and Once Upon a Time in Mexico which was $29 Million and had Johnny Depp in a lead role shot right before the SAG strike in 2002. Desperado was Robert Rodriguez’s first film with a famous cast, including Antonio Banderas, Steve Buscemi, Cheech Marin, Danny Trejo, and Quentin Tarantino… and introducing Salma Hayek. It was also a jump from a $7000 to $7 Million budget and month of production time. Conan Neutron & The Secret Friends are playing at Saint Vitus Bar in NYC on May 24th!!! https://link.dice.fm/O50b75293806 Get tickets for Caterwaul Music Festival! May 26th to May 29th in Minneapolis!!: caterwaul.org Chat Pile will be playing at Caterwaul on May 28th!