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Forrest, Conan Neutron, Kristina Oakes and KT Baldassaro are joined by Ron Purtee to talk about Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino’s 1996 vampire action movie From Dusk Till Dawn.

This is our second to last vampire month episode!!!

Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez co-wrote a screenplay for one of the greatest genre switch ups of all time.

George Clooney and Quentin Tarantino star as Richard and Seth Gecko (yeah, totally brothers) two convicts on the run who kidnap a family… (Harvey Keitel, Juliette Lewis, Ernest Liu) and hightail it to the Mexican Border.

In the last third, it suddenly switches to one of the greatest modern vampire movies with Salma Hayek, Danny Trejo, Tom Savini, Cheech Marin, Greg Nicotero.. and many many many others. #vampire #moviereview #moviepodcast #horrormoviepodcast #vampirediaries #vampiremode #vampirelore #quentintarantino #robertrodriguez #georgeclooney #salmahayek #dusktilldawn #horrorclassics #horrorstories #dannytrejo #cheechandchong #cheechmarin #filmpodcast #cinema #cinephile

On October 27th, at New City Brewery in Easthampton, MA (6 PM ET) our own Kt Baldassaro @MovieRuntime and Easthampton Film Festival Director Chris Ferry will be hosting a Halloween Horror Show.. premiering 4 indie horror shorts including Kt’s new short “We Have Ghosts At Home” plus a screening of Nosferatu LIVE in person!!! https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=563499916188967

Watch KT Baldassaro & Jared Skolnick’s Girl in the Basement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcn2Q57VXEQ

Bonnie Burton is one third of @thenightshift3871 with Renee Ruin and Jenna Haze https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClY8KismmRuNxYs30TT25Eg

Join our discord: https://discord.gg/jhvuexTJ

The Movie Night Extravaganza Patreon helps us keep the show going.. become a Patron and support the show!! https://patreon.com/MovieNightExtra

Conan Neutron has music available from Conan Neutron & The Secret Friends https://neutronfriends.bandcamp.com OR if you want to become a Protonic Reversal patron: https://patreon.com/protonicreversal