Forrest, Conan Neutron, and Kristina Oakes talk about Sidney Lumet’s 12 Angry Men!!!
Produced by Henry Fonda and written by Reginald Rose who wrote it for Westinghouse Studio One originally Sidney Lumet’s directorial debut tells the story of a jury who are arguing the guilt or innocence of a young kid accused of murdering his father.
Starring Henry Fonda, Lee J. Cobb, Joseph Sweeney, Martin Balsam, Ed Begley Sr., Jack Warden, Jack Klugman, John Fielder, E.G. Marshall, Edward Binns, Robert Webber, and George Voskovec
With implications about McCarthyism and the paranoid 1950s, Twelve Angry Men has been hailed as one of the greatest courtroom films by AFI. #12angrymen #henryfonda #orion #sidneylumet #dogdayafternoon #network #juryduty #jury #leejcobb #hollywood #unitedartists #mccarthy #moviepodcast #filmpodcast #drama #trial